Adapting worklife to the corona outbreak

The severe impact on society of the corona-crisis is dazzling and frustrating to a lot of people. Suddenly society needs to be very agile and adapt to a crisis most never have experienced in very short time. Workplaces and schools are closing down and society is slowly being disrupted due to the fact that we all together need to prevent this disease from being spread.

Let’s try to adapt to the situation as best as possible. We collected useful tips and tools that could improve working from home and working with remote teams. Please find the list below.

Do you have any questions? We are happy to help you with a free consult concerning this topic.


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Health at number one

Health is the most important thing in tackling the Corona virus. The health of ourselves and of the vulnerable people in our society.

Therefore, please follow the regulations and advice of local authorities and health organizations.

Even if you don't worry about your own health - these measures are there to save society from a catastrophic spike in the number of corona-cases.

A list of tips and tools

To improve working from home and working with remote teams

How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings
"These days it’s hard to get people to pay attention in any meeting, but when people aren’t in the same room, it can be especially difficult."
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Drie tips voor online vergaderen

Video op LinkedIn door Adrian Roest, met wijze lessen over de mute-knop die ook in de fysieke wereld van toepassing zijn.
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Scrum mastery in corona-tijden
Mooie rij tips over de Scrum Master rol, door onze vrienden van Valueminds.
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Agile Coach of Scrum Master in Corona tijden

Collega's van Prowareness geven in een minipaper tips & tricks om impact te blijven leveren.
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Combating COVID-19 with resilience (Deloitte)
"Public authorities are taking decisive action to respond to the emerging health threat, leading the business community to reconsider the adequacy of their preparedness measures. This page brings together Global Deloitte insights to help businesses manage and mitigate the risk."
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COVID-19: Implications for business (McKinsey)
"The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. It is also having a growing impact on the global economy. This article is intended to provide business leaders with a perspective on the evolving situation and implications for their companies."
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Remote Agile Coaching
Blog by Michael Küsters. "Probably the biggest challenge Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters face during the Corona Crisis: "How do I effectively coach - remotely, especially when people are distributed?" If you've never done this before, you might be stumped.
Fortunately, this has been my business model for a few years already, so I might have some pointers that could help you get going."
Fail Fast, Move On

Remote work is coming - some pointers for developers
Blog by Michael Küsters. "Many organizations find themselves struggling with the Corona Crisis, because they have never prepared for Remote Working. Without going into the reasons, I want to give you some pointers from my own experience of what you can do to make the best out of it."
Fail Fast, Move On

5 tips voor leiding geven op afstand 

Steven van den Heuvel deelt zijn tips op LinkedIn.
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Tools voor samenwerken op afstand
Steven van den Heuvel deelt zijn tips over tools om op afstand te werken op LinkedIn.
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Thuisseminar #1 ‘Samenwerken op afstand’
Door Denk Producties, met onder andere een video van Ben Tiggelaar.




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